im havin a bad night
so im workin on this
its by no means done… its just a basic idea im screwin with right now… like the background will be a different color and there will be tons more stuff in it by the time im done… but i just thought id post a random progress thingy for everyone to laugh at
well it looks nice… i really like the heart fx… and i can relate to that…
i got less depressed so i added bubbles… i think i forgot my medication today
I think it is really sweet… but if you could map the cut line to the heart render and maybe have a tag hanging off it with a cut labe -----well I think that would be spot on.
wow they’re both cool, but I like the first one more. You should work when you’re depressed more often, turn the negative into something positive. =)
yeah dude that looks really nice! i like the first one more, it looks less bussy and there is more depth and feeling to it.
thanks for all your comments… im over it now tho… but im gonna keep doin some stuff to it cuz i kinda like it… so yeah ill do that map it onto thing and then ill do the big mac one too… or attempt to… thanks for all the feedback