Design a New One Dollar Bill - DO NOT USE TO BUY STUFF

Alright, so if you want to ‘battle’ then go ahead and create a ONE DOLLAR bill. Sorry internationals but I will not be sending them out to you for an example.

Create a design of any style. Try to make a front and back.

I’ll post my design in no more then 3 days if no one else posts theirs.

thanks for sharing dude!______________________________Someone who convinces you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to wow gold open it.

[color=#282827]I agree with you !I support you .[/color]

Sweet, I’ll get working on something when I get some time… Is there a time limit or is this on going?

[OT]cjawcrusher512, I’ve noticed you’re a very agreeable person[/OT]

Oh, snap. This looks like fun.