check it:
tell me what you think…
well it looks like a very power-user kinda website, more technical than designy, I think maybe spice up the titles on the left menu, add a colour cell or colour type, its all a little bland right now, whats this for btw?
I agree, it seems like a standard issue template to me.
looks like one of those crappy search engines to me BUT, you can make it work, add some graphics
tbh, it looks like it is a warez site or something because of the simple template and the banner on top. thats what it came out to me as at first.
lol hansel, that’s what it looked like to me too, i thought i was the only one though so i didnt post it.
mate think what ???
Boring and uninviting. I have no idea what the site’s about, and I’m pretty indifferent about that.
well… that was bad… This one is sirously going in the trash can…
I don’t know what i was thinking.
Its not a lost cause… yet… I would give it some texture, or something… solid… it looks too much like a boring, information site… not something that lives…
Add some more colors, perhaps with some interesting patterns and things…
I agree, it does look like one of the standard 10 dollar templates (sry).
hey mate dont feel bad about my previous post. But you seriously got to do something about it. You can improve it a lot if you try. Why dont you try checking out some cool sites that are more concentrated on data. It may give you some ideas.