Designers block

I need a logo…

and I need it bad…

Something simple… like flux’s logo… or’s…

I love logos… and I need my own…

but right now, I have designers block… and I hate it… REALLY hate it…

u know? you just sit and stare at the screen for 10 minutes, and then you tell yourself: “no friggin way, GO TO BED”.

and then you sit there some more… and then you decide to go rant about it in random on K’s phorum… then check your own forums… nothing there… as usual…

then you feel like going outside for a cig, and u remember you quit smoking a week ago, and it’s tearing you up inside…

oh wait!.. no… I ate those… empty bag of chips… sigh

maybe I should stop writing here… this post is getting long…

hey! Did I telle veryone that the rings for me and Cayenne has arrived? I’m going to get them tomorrow… gotta pay hundreds of dollars in cash… grunt

I hate paying phor stuff…

anypoo (hehe), logo suggestions? any1?

hehe, I sorta moved away phrom the werm “thang”… :sure:

I need something REALLY simple…

As mentioned above, I totally dig flux’s… :beam:

pj pj pj…

a logo for “Avalon Revisited”…

I highly doubt a large flaming “E” will suffice :stuck_out_tongue:


maybe you could incorporate the fantasy setting of avalon. use some little spell effects or something shiny in there…shiny things are attractive…(-:

hehe… mmm… fairy dust :stuck_out_tongue:

maybe I should experiment with some fairy dust today at school…

shouldn’t be too hard… right?


everytime I think of Avalon, I think of the little village on Catalina Island…

about 40 miles off the coast of Southern California…


Everytime I think “Avalon”, I see a half dead man lying on a shore.

here are some quick ideas i came up with, using your circle concept, nuthin much, just something to expand on.


Nice Soulty :slight_smile:

  • Soul :s:

King Arthur right Eilsoe? :beam:

  • Soul :s:

To me, Avalon reminds me of Excalibur and the whole Arturian legend. :slight_smile:

Argh! Double post! :slight_smile:

Snap Kit :slight_smile:

  • Soul :s:

Ahh, great minds think alike… :cyborg:


thanks soul,

its ok, iam not really happy with them, i was bored, i think elisoe want more of a icon though, just a idea anyway.


yeah, excalibur and arthurian legend…ever play dark age of camelot?

I think maybe a logo to do with a castle?, here is a little one a whipped up in flash in about a minute, obviously i don’t mean use sommet this simple or nooby, but i think something like this but done good :smiley:

i like it but it looks a little bit too much like a city…maybe a flag ontop of one of the towers would fix that