Designer's Hub Site of the Month

For the month of March, was UNFLUX! woo-hoo! Thanks for the
award Dreamer (not sure if he comes in random or not).
Check out, he updated his page a bit:

Just thought I’d share with ya. :beam:

congrats unflux!

you da man :wink: Your wallpaper is still my desktop.


didn’t you see the ones from yesterday? Nothing was done today…

slacked today?

yeah kinda. had a b-day party to go to, and I needed to get
some work done. Did some more planning with it tho.

planning eh? is that another word for “watching television”



Tuknuk make joke!


haha, no! :bad:

there’s this one corner that’s giving me fits with design for the
wall because of it’s shape…or lack of I should say. I’m gonna
have to make something custom to get it to work right, and I
haven’t decided on which option yet.

I watched exactly 0 TV today, thank you. :wink:

you could get a thing of paint and write “hojo wuz here” for me if you wanted. that would add a very nice spice to the room