Desperate for a Coder

Wow. That was pretty rude.

Kirupians never forget.:thumb2:

Nice job there “unfair mod” You;re doing a bang up job there.

@Defective no more rude than nathan. And I don’t need you help anyway. :wink:

skyo, why don’t you delete defective’s post too? it doesn’t contribute!

Nathan was merely helping this user out before you charged him for 45 minutes to write a one-liner script.

If i didn’t know any better, I would appreciate his comments too. That’s like legal robbery.

lol, here is a pointer. If you want something done for cheap, definitely don’t put “Desperate” in the thread title:lol:

lol nathan should get paid for finding resources. Thanks for the links.

ya u are asking for alot. If u want a low budget site your code will reflect that also.

90 dollars, that is peanuts, Somthing like this is around 500 + dollars :stuck_out_tongue: