Wow. That was pretty rude.
Kirupians never forget.:thumb2:
Wow. That was pretty rude.
Kirupians never forget.:thumb2:
Nice job there “unfair mod” You;re doing a bang up job there.
@Defective no more rude than nathan. And I don’t need you help anyway.
skyo, why don’t you delete defective’s post too? it doesn’t contribute!
Nathan was merely helping this user out before you charged him for 45 minutes to write a one-liner script.
If i didn’t know any better, I would appreciate his comments too. That’s like legal robbery.
lol, here is a pointer. If you want something done for cheap, definitely don’t put “Desperate” in the thread title:lol:
lol nathan should get paid for finding resources. Thanks for the links.
ya u are asking for alot. If u want a low budget site your code will reflect that also.
90 dollars, that is peanuts, Somthing like this is around 500 + dollars
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