Desperate for a Coder

I need someone to code this website [COLOR=#800080][/COLOR]

i need an admin panel created (to add games,news, and links)

I need the log in box coded

I need to have the the tell a friends, bookmark us and set as homepage script added.

also on the main page of the site i need it to show how many people are online (“blank” Players online") i would like this to be on the top of the site

Above the actually game player/screens, i need it to show how many people are playing the game

i also need a “favorites” button on top of the game player/screen. this will let people add that individual game to their my favorites page.

here is the example of how i need it to be coded (exactly) [COLOR=#800080][/COLOR]

Im willing to pay $ 90.00 (sorry if thats to cheap) for this. so if anybody can do all this please respond to this thread or pm me. or email me at
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if ya cant do it, dont respond (its very simple) :wink:

If anyone takes this job, please post in here. I’d be very interested to see who is willing to code a geocites website, working for several hours creating an admin panel for $65.

If you work that hard and cheap, I’ll have some jobs for your too. :wink:

well i have an actual domain name.

ok ill put it 90.00 (i cant go higher)

For $90, I will think about it it. If you give me more details.

What SSL? PHP or ASP.
Specificly, what needs to happen in the admin panel?

Specificly, what needs to happen in the admin panel?

i would prefer php, but it doesnt really matter.

ok first off, my website is a flash game site. in the admin panel i need to be able to add games and there thumbnails, add news for the news section, add links on the main site and on the link page, i also need a spot where it shows all the members on the site and gives me an option to delete them. thats basically it…

we can talk on im if ya want

yahoo messenger

msn messenger


Gotcha, :wink:

I’ll pass for now (at least at $90) but I wish you the best.

Good luck!

well just throw a price out there, tell me a price. ill see if i can do it, even though i said i cant go higher

Well the thing is you’re are asking for more than you know. You’re entire page is going to be dynamic and needs to be pulled from a database, including your links! It is much much more effienct for someone that know ANY html to just insert the links themself instead of having to make an admin panel for that.

Ok so let me out line the job at charging $35/hour:

[INDENT] I need the log in box coded: 1.5 hr to code from stratch.
I need to have the the tell a friends, bookmark us and set as homepage script added: 45 minutes
**[U]also on the main page of the site i need it to show how many people are online (“blank” Players online") i would like this to be on the top of the site

Above the actually game player/screens, i need it to show how many people are playing the game[/U]** : 1.5 hr of coding at least

and so on and so on.
[/INDENT] For me to take the job, it’s gonna need to be in the (small) couple of hundred.

can you please give me your email address? (i will contact you a little bit later regarding this) also can i see some previouse work you have done?

Let me know if you can to any decisions after looking at my work. :wink:

I’ll sell you some cheap hosting :slight_smile:

i dont really need hosting, i got all that covered.

Any more thoughts about cutting back the demands for the job or raising the price?

Let me know if you’re still looking for someone.

I need to have the the tell a friends, bookmark us and set as homepage script added: 45 minutes

:!: 45 minutes, rather over-estimated isn’t it?

Great so you just volunteed to do it for $90. I’m sure he’ll be very pleased.
and since I over estimate I’m sure " Above the actually game player/screens, i need it to show how many people are playing the game" that should only take 15 minutes as well.

I think you should take the job and make a killing…Boy that’s $90 for like 20 minutes of work. :sigh: Uppp…wait a minute…that’s right you don’t know PHP do you? Nope, apparently PHP is the best hacking tool in the world it “Can scan users PC’s for files”

Inconclusion, back off you stupid kid! Dumb wanker if you think you can do it for cheap, then don’t B1tch at me, make a bid at the job. Oh but that’s right, you ain’t got the skills.

It’s simple js for that, you can find it on plenty of sites.

I think that covers them all :thumb:

Yeah but the rest is PHP and you don’t have the skills to do it. Instead of mocking me, why do you go by a book and stop spamming the thread. You’re lucky your friends the “unfair mod” deleted my post and left all of yours…

Anyway, I got to go scan my HDD with PHP…lol…Script kiddy.