Desperate for help with buttons

HELP. Afterall this time I’m ready to launch my website and doing a final check I found a problem with one of my buttons. The buttons are made of text and identical graphics and look great in normal mode but this one button in particular has a funny colored back ground in the preview mode. I’ve checked everything I can think of (borders etc.) and can find no difference from the rest of the buttons. Any ideas what is causing this? I know it’s a holiday weekend, but I’m desperate to get out site up and running as we received magazine coverage for one of our products and there is no website to go to. HELP PLEASE.:sigh:

post your .fla and people will be able to have a look for themselves and try and help you :slight_smile:

What is an .fla?

its the flash file

Sorry, but I can’t find a flash file for this button. Are you certain that is what it is — I thought flash files were for animated type items. If you are certain can you give me some hints about how to go about posting this. Thanks.

oh so this isnt a button in Flash?

No, I don’t think so. It’s just a button that was created using graphics and text. It is two triangles and a lightening bolt with text in between. For some reason, that I can’t figure out, the background which should be white, turns an odd green on this button only (there about five other which are identical except for the text) when in the preview mode. It does this on all pages of the website. Everything looks the same otherwise. Unfortunately, the graphic was created on another computer with graphic software not available to me on my current workstation. However, I don’t think the actual graphic is the problem, but rather a setting once I placed it in front page, since there are no visiual indicators of a problem in the normal mode.

hmmm i dont know anything about frontpage, other people around here will probably…

Hello Shannon,
Would it be possible for you to ZIP that page and the image and upload it here using the Attachment feature? I am curious as to why it may be doing what it does. If you want, you may also feel free to email me the files at: [email protected]

Kirupa :ub:

I have sent you the file by e-mail. Thanks for the help.


Hello Shannon,
I looked at the graphic and placed it in a Web page. I changed the background color, and the image displayed properly with no green coloration. You mentioned only when you Previewed in FrontPage. Have you tried Previewing in Browser (File | Preview in Browser)?

I have attached a ZIP file where I placed the gif in a different colored background.

Kirupa (-:

I did try you suggestion of preview in browser and I can see no dificulties. Thanks for your help as always.