Detect mouse on clip, determine quadrant and set property

I’m trying to make a clip that will have another clip attached (eventually it’ll be a mask) when you roll over it. I want the mouse positon to be determined on rollover and a different clip (with different registration point) to be attached depending on which quadrant you rollover first. IE- you rollover the lower left quadrant of the mc first so an mc with an upper right registration point is attached and follows the mouse.

basically I want it to look like you’re pulling a mask from out of nowhere onto the main mc from whatever corner you start on… (make sense?)

i’m trying to reconstruct what you see here (
this is the first baby step!

anyhow, here’s my AS and i’ll attach the .fla any help is great!

leftfunction = function(){
	if (patch._ymouse <= 100){
		//this function starts the maskclip coming in from the upper left with a lower right reg point
		_root.patch.attachMovie("lowerright", "lrclip", 1);
		lrclip._x = _root.patch._xmouse;
		lrclip._y = _root.patch._ymouse;
llowerfunction = function(){
	//this function starts the maskclip coming in from the lower left with an upper right reg point
		patch.attachMovie("upperright", "urclip", 1);
		urclip._x = patch._xmouse;
		urclip._y = patch._ymouse;
rightfunction = function(){
	if (patch._ymouse <= 100){
	//this function starts the maskclip coming in from the upper right with a lower left reg point
		patch.attachMovie("lowerleft", "llclip", 1);
		llclip._x = patch._xmouse;
		llclip._y = patch._ymouse;

rlowerfunction = function(){
	//this function starts the maskclip coming in from the lower right with an upper left reg point
		patch.attachMovie("upperleft", "ulclip", 1);
		ulclip._x = patch._xmouse;
		ulclip._y = patch._ymouse;

_root.patch.onRollOver = function() {
if (patch._xmouse <= 150){