I was wondering if it is possible to capture whenever properties are set/accessed/created on dynamic objects?
Basically, among others, I want to create a little quick system which acts as an Array and allows you to set the same value of all items inside of it.
For example:
var dynamicObjArray:DynamicObjectArray = new DynamicObjectArray();
dynamicObjArray.push(mc1, mc2, mc3, mc4, mc5, mc6);
//Sets **all **of the items inside the array to an alpha value of 0
dynamicObjArray.alpha = 0;
//Tweens all of the values in the array to an alpha value of back to 1
//Instead of 6 different tweens running, this one tween will
//act on all 6 and set them to the same value.
//Of course, TweenLite doesn't know this. All it sees is that one object's property.
TweenLite.to(dynamicObjArray, 1, {alpha:1});
There are several workarounds, (including checking the current value each frame) but I want to know if there is any way of detecting changed properties at all.