Detecting flash and swaping the images

Hi all,

well, i’ve been away from the flash scene for a L o n g time …so this may well have been asnwered already.
BUT essentially i want to achive the following…

a normal html (or asp site), and I will be placing some graphics on the page.

I need to find a way to find out if the client has the flash player installed (flash detection)… BUT the hard part being … if no flash or shockwave detected, Replace the swf’s (image swap) all images with these animated gif’s…

I’m sure its out there, but i couldn’t find it, and I’m guessing it’ll be a bit of code you place on the webpage…

and the last thing is… how can i test this ? how do i completely “remove” flash and the shockwave players from the computer and still keep my version of flash mx loaded… if possible, I don’t want to have to uninstall everything, esepecially keep on uninstalling flash mx, to test it… ?

any help and suggestions would be greatly appreciated guys.

Sureal (-:

haha, well, we must have posted our questions at the same time. Because my “What if?” post is basically exact same question. I would greatly appreciate learning the same thing.