Detects if a file exists AND if it's empty

I have to load a text file.
First I want to detect if the file exists or not, so I use “if (rawTxt == undefined)”.

Now, if the file exists and contains data, the condition n°2 is met…it’s OK!
But now, if the file exists BUT is empty it doesn’t meet the condition n°2…why?
It’s not “undefined” neither “not undefined” since any trace action accours.

In other words, how can I check that a text file exists…AND that it’s empty or not
(so that I can add a branch if that condition is met?)
Try by yourself with an empty text file named “Favorites.ini”.

Thanks very much!

var loadFavorite = new LoadVars();
loadFavorite.onData = function(rawTxt:String) {
 if (rawTxt == undefined) {
  trace("It's undefined");
 } else {
  trace("It's OK");

same behavior with an onLoad function

var loadFavorite = new LoadVars();
loadFavorite.onLoad = function(success:Boolean) {
 if (success) {
  trace("onLoad success")
 } else {
  trace("onLoad success")