Determine presence of loaded swf library object in array. Please HELP!


My situation is this:
I have loaded swf with an object ‘Page’. A ‘Page’ object is created and a reference to it is added to an array ‘pa’.

I have a 2nd loaded swf that then has a reference to the ‘pa’ array (I don’t think this matters but I mention it just in case)

I want to cycle through the array and determine when I get to a Page object. Where I run into problems is trying to compile the class that does this.

	private function CH(e:MouseEvent):void
		trace(pa);//[object Image],[object Page],[object Blue],[object Red],[object Mask]
		for(var i:uint=0;i<pa.length;i++)
			if(pa*==(Page)) trace('Found page');//Error 1120: Access of undefined property Page.

Because there is no ‘Page’ object/class in the loaded swf it throws the error as commented in.

I thought I could do somthing like this:


but this would mean I need to parse out the ‘[object…]’ parts


but that does not seem to work either.

Thank you for your consideration,
