I am using this code to try make a Content management system in flash but when I run the reading.php file I get the message “DIDNT QUERY” nothing eles just that lol so I quessing that there a problem with my query:pleased:. But I dont really understand what a query is so I dont actually know how to fix the problem.
here is my php code:
$dbh=mysql_connect ("localhost", "arctosde_damz", "password") or die ('I cannot connect to the database because: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db ("arctosde_cms");;
$query = "SELECT VALUES[id, title, author, date, body] FROM news WHERE id=1";;
$result = mysql_query( $query ) or die ("didn't query");
$num = mysql_num_rows( $result );
//echo ($num);
if ($num == 1){
while ($line=mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$ourtext = "My_text_xxx=" . $line['paramValue'];
//My_text_xxx is the variable in flash of the dynamic text field
print $ourtext;
} else {
print "My_text_xxx=Sorry, but I can't read the text";
could someone please tell me where I have messed up in my query?
thanx alot