Digital Clock by E.J. aka IamNotJubba

Help ! I have followed the steps for this tutorial.

I encountered a very weird problem.

This is the code from the tutorial :

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
myTime = new Date();
nSeconds = myTime.getSeconds();
nMinutes = myTime.getMinutes();
nHours = myTime.getHours();
if (nHours>=12) {
ampm = “pm”;
} else {
ampm = “am”;
if (nHours>=13) {
nHours = nHours-12;
if (length(nMinutes) == 1) {
nMinutes = “0”+nMinutes;
if (length(nSeconds) == 1) {
nSeconds = “0”+nSeconds;
nTime = nHours+“:”+nMinutes+“:”+nSeconds+" "+ampm;

It was fine last night, as soon as i opened up the file today, which is at 10:54 AM. Everything screwed up, it became -2:54:30 PM. Can anyone help me with this ? Let me also upload the file too! All help is appreciated !