Digital Clock probs with TextFields!

Hey guys i have a problem but i don’t know why i have it!!
i made a digital clock with just two dynamic text fileds and script. when i test it on a new actionscript document it works perfectly but when i put it in a movie clip in my site the text fields are not updated and donot display anything . . like it doesn’t run at all…

what’s the problem ???

here is the actionscipt i am using inside that movieclip, tell me if there are any mistakes!!!

        function DigitalClock() {
        function getSystemTime()
            var myDate:Date = new Date();
            var seconds = myDate.getSeconds();
            var minutes = myDate.getMinutes();
            var hours = myDate.getHours();
            var day = myDate.getDay();
            var date = myDate.getDate();
            var month = myDate.getMonth();
            var year = myDate.getFullYear();
            var ampm:String;
            if (day==0){
                day = "Sunday"
            } else if (day==1){
                day = "Monday"
            } else if (day==2){
                day = "Tuesday"
            } else if (day==3){
                day = "Wednesday"
            } else if (day==4){
                day = "Thursday"
            } else if (day==5){
                day = "Friday"
            } else if (day==6){
                day = "Saturday"
            if (month==0){
                month = "January"
            } else if (month==1){
                  month = "February"
            } else if (month==2){
                month = "March"
            } else if (month==3){
                month = "April"
            } else if (month==4){
                month = "May"
            } else if (month==5){
                month = "June"
            } else if (month==6){
                month = "July"
            } else if (month==7){
                month = "August"
            } else if (month==8){
                month = "September"
            } else if (month==9){
                month = "October"
            } else if (month==10){
                    month = "November"
            } else if (month==11){
                month = "December"
            if (minutes<10) {
                minutes = "0"+minutes;
            if (seconds<10) {
                seconds = "0"+seconds;
            if (hours>12 ) {
                hours = hours-12;
                ampm = "PM";
            } else if (hours == 12) {
                ampm = "PM";
            } else {
                ampm = "AM";
            if (hours == 0) {
                hours = 12;
            timeText_txt.text = ((hours) + ":" + (minutes) + ":" + (seconds) + " " + (ampm));
            dateText_txt.text = ((day) + " " + (date) + " " + (month) + " " + (year));

and i have another frame where i have the code
where update is the frame lable for frame one where the whole actionscript is in…

please help me on this