Heres the problem: (sorry this is long)
I need a working digital clock to display US central time all the time.
I have been working on this since last weekend, it has just drained me and I’m no closer than when I started. I’m trying to create a digital clock that always displays central time. I’m working on an swf that will display a businesses operation hours. When the business is open the swf will display “Live Help Available - Call (business phone…)” and will display “Live Help Closed” when they are closed. I’m using the getwhateverUTC scripts and subtracting 6 ( the difference between UTC and U.S. Central time) Easy , right?
Well here is where it gets a bit complicated. The clock has to display in 12hr format. I need a variable to show AM or PM and another variable to display the Day. So for example the time would look like this:
Wed. 9:46 PM
I’m using the day / hour/ PM vars to determin if the business is open based on their hours of operation during certain days.
Side note:
During this time I’ve managed to create a working digital clock which seemed to give the correct central time but when the UTC hour changed from 0 (midnight) to 1 (1am) [7pm central time] my get UTC Hours() - 6 subtracted 6 from 1 and the digital clock displayed 5 instead of 7 , it started counting backwards. So I’m back to square one.
If anyone can help I’d really appreciate it. Thanks.