Diplay Progress of loading external swfs

Hi could someone help me please im having a problem i cant seem to resolve.

I am loading external SWFs into a movieclip called “content”.

Nice and simple, and i can tell when the movie clip has loaded thanks to
‘Kirupa’s Preloader and Transition for Dynamic Files.’

I need to display the external SWFs bytes loaded and bytes total.
And preferably percent loaded too.
Which I cannot seem to do for any.

Here is the code that works:

//ACTIONS FOR MC “content”

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {

if (!loaded && this._url != _root.Mymovie._url){

if (this.getBytesLoaded() == this.getBytesTotal()) {

loaded = true;

I have tried to place the below code in many places in my movie, on the “content” mc which the external files load into, in several places in the script and have dynamic text fields called “loadedbytes” and “totalbytes” to display the information but it just doesnt work.

loadedbytes = _root.Mymovie.content.getBytesLoaded();
totalbytes = _root.Mymovie.content.getBytesTotal();

Could someone please help and give me the extact script and where to place it exactly to do this.

Thank you very much

Angel :slight_smile: