Directional Keys

Need help on directional keys and spawn rate doing it in OOP format.
(2 movieclip has a separate file to run and the main stage file has its own actionscript file to run too)

I got 2 movieclip called apple and orange.

I wan to spawn both movieclips with a certain number by setting a for loop and the movieclip only moves from right to left till 3/4 of the my stage. After it reaches 3/4 of the stage, it will disappear.
In the process of moving, the movieclips will be act as a object to be “hit”.
I need to make 2 directional keys, both left and right to so called remove the object. Left to remove the orange and right to remove the apple.

After the time limit of 60s it will gotoAndPlay the next frame of the name i want called “endstage”

There is a restart button too to make the game repeat itself all over again…

Is it possible someone teach me how to do that through codes?
Seriously i am having trouble just to move the movieclips.

Thanks alot people from this forum.