Disable button after click


I have made a simpel text menu. The buttons are being created from an array and then placed on the stage by looping through. It all works just fint, but i dont want the user to be able to click twice at a link. I want to disable the link after clicken. I am totally lost so it would be nice if some one could help! :slight_smile:

This is my code for the menu.

public function addMenuTxt() {
            var _menuItem:Array = new Array("WEB","DIGITAL ART","3D MODELING","IDENTITY","PRINT");
            var currentWidth:int = 30;
            var spacing:int = 30;
            var activeBtn:Number;
            _txtFormat = new TextFormat();
            _txtFormat.font = "Univers LT 57 Condensed";
            _txtFormat.color = 0xFFFFFF;
            _txtFormat.size = 11;
            for (var i=0; i<_menuItem.length; i++) {
                var item = _menuItem*;
                _menu = new MovieClip();
                _txt = new TextField();
                _txt.selectable = false;
                _txt.embedFonts = true;
                _txt.antiAliasType = AntiAliasType.ADVANCED;
                _txt.defaultTextFormat = _txtFormat;
                _txt.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
                _txt.text = item;
                _menu.data = item;

                   _menu.x = currentWidth;
                   currentWidth += _menu.width + spacing;
                _menu.y = 161;
                _menu.alpha = 0;
                _menu.mouseChildren = false;

                var interval = i*0.2;
                TweenLite.to(_menu, 1, {alpha:1, delay:interval});

                _menu.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
                _menu.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, onOut);
                _menu.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, onOver);
                _menu.buttonMode = true;
        public function onClick(evt:MouseEvent){
            var _contentLoader:contentLoader = new contentLoader(menuString);
        public function onOut(evt:MouseEvent) {
            TweenFilterLite.to(evt.target, 0.4, {colorMatrixFilter:{color: 0xFFFFFF}});
        public function onOver(evt:MouseEvent) {
            TweenFilterLite.to(evt.target, 0.4, {colorMatrixFilter:{color: 0x00dadd}});