Disable the button for current page only

Hi all, I currently creating a website which content some pages. example of homepage and aboutpage.I want to make it as below.

If the user clicks the ‘home_mc’ button i want it to disable to the content cant be loaded twice. If the user clicks ‘products_mc’ i want ‘home_mc’ to be enable again, and then disable ‘products_mc’.This to prevent user to currently reading on homepage when click on the home_mc button again will cause the homepage animate in again.

but i still cant figure out how to make it.
can we use some code like
if(nextPage == currentPage)
//disable the mouseEvent listener of the currentTarget button?

thanks for helps…

menu_mc.home_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
menu_mc.about_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
var Home:HomePage = new HomePage();
var About:AboutPage = new AboutPage();
var currentPage:MovieClip = Home
var nextPage:MovieClip;
Home.x = About.x = 10.2;
Home.y = About.y = 523.8;
menu_mc.home_mc.mcTarget = Home;
menu_mc.about_mc.mcTarget = About;
function onClick(e:MouseEvent):void
 nextPage = e.currentTarget.mcTarget;
 currentPage = nextPage;
 menu_mc.home_mc.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
 menu_mc.about_mc.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
 var myTimer:Timer = new Timer(3333.3333,1);
 myTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, enable);
function enable(e:TimerEvent):void
 menu_mc.home_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
 menu_mc.about_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);