Disabling Form Parts


I don’t do much Javascript work and I was hoping someone could help me debug the following code.

I am looking to disable a form part (a file upload field) if they do not check off a checkbox.

File Field Name: userfile
Checkbox Name: editimage

Here is the javascript

      function disablefield()
  // check everything you need to check and then
  if (document.forms[0].editimage.value == "yes"){
      document.forms[0].userfile.disabled = false;
} else if (document.forms[0].editimage.value == "") {
document.forms[0].userfile.disabled = true;

Here is parts of the HTML form. The checkbox and the file field-

<input onChange="disablefield(this);" name='editimage' type='checkbox' id='editimage' value='yes'>

<input disabled='disabled' name='textfield' type='text' value='http://www.' size='13'>

The javascript is placed in between the two.

Please help!

