link here
To see the bugs, click on “mercury battery adapters” from the menu, then click on an image on the side. There is a Button that shows up, but doesn’t display any text on it. There is also another one on the site, but it does the same thing.
I have heard this might be from having a mask in my index movie (which loads the child movies). I DO have the component in the index animation aswell, so it’s not that. Any ideas? Thanks a ton.
This is a educated guess but I may be off.
Since your masking the button, the text will not display on the button. Try using setMask() instead and I bet it will work.
How would I go about doing that?
The container MC that loads the movie in the index movie is masked, so I guess that means everything inside is… but I’m not sure how I would setmask something that doesn’t technically have a mask on it in it’s own movie…
Ok lemme get this straight.
You have your index movie with a movieclip called container let’s say. Container is masked in the index movie, thus everything that get’s loaded is masked.
Instead of using the timeline mask to mask out container use the setMask() function.
So the only thing you are doing is unmasking the container mc in your index page and replacing it with setMask().
For the proper setMask() syntax check your AS Dictionary, it has a good explanation and examples on how to use it.
Should be a simple fix for you if this is the problem.