Discreet email forwarding

i’m working on a flash ecard for a client that has a “send to a friend” form on it. i would like to set up the PHP script so that when “Harry” sends the ecard to “Sally” both of those emails are then forwarded to my email…in efforts to beef up an existing email list.

my PHP script is as follows:

$to = $email2;
$subject = “$name has sent you an E-Card!”;
$msg = “$name has sent you an ecard for the new Bryan Cox: Motive! www.monkeyheadgraphics.com/ecards/bcox.html”;
mail($to, $subject, $msg, "From: $email
Reply-To: $email

i thought it would be something simple such as an extra line of text such as:
$fwd = "myemail@email.com";
but that doesn’t seem to work…anyone out there know what my script should look like?

thank you for your time and pointers,