Display a variable in FLASH using LoadVars and PHP

What I’m trying to do:

Send a user input to PHP
Use this input to query a MySQL DB (This works fine)

Get the result back to Flash and put it in a dynamic Text Box - How???

The communication from Flash to PHP works fine. The variable I pass from Flash to PHP are used in the query as intended.

Then Im trying to send a variable back to flash. I cant display this variable in Flash, only in a new explorer window…


require ‘Include.php’; //Data about $DBhost,$DBuser,$DBpass

// Connects to the database.

// The SQL query.
$query = “SELECT * FROM $table WHERE user =’$user’” ;
$result = mysql_query($query);

/* This just gets the number of rows in the Query */
$numR = mysql_num_rows($result);

// If the number of rows is 0–> no hits on query
if ($numR>0) {
for($i=0; $i < $numR; $i++) {
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
print $row[‘fname’]; //This prints ‘Bruno’ when user = ‘test’
else {
print "not connected ";


on (release) {
var my_vars = new LoadVars();
//Get the text from Input Text

//Send input (my_vars) to PHP and assign result to my_vars

//Set the result in Dynamic Text box with Var name status


I’ve read all the tutorials I was able to find, looked at the macromedia site, and still not able to solve it.

This problem has been driving me crazy for one week now. I scanned through this forum, but haven’t found anything useful for my case.

Hoping for replies, best regards

coz you are using send, which only sends, but does not expect a result back…
use sendAndLoad

edit of title as does not include reference to what you use.

I’ve tried sendAndLoad and it still doesn’t work

replace by
and you are setting
before the result comes back, so it’s normal it’s empty…
check the usage of LoadVars in the AS dictionnary:
-declare LV object
-add data
-set onLoad handler (incl. error checking)
means: my_vars.onLoad = function(){
//check errors here!

OK, thanks. I’ll try that
If it works, you’ll save my weekend :slight_smile:

nice weekend then…
full example is, i htink, in the sticky in “server side” forum
(on how to use loadVars + PHP)