Display data form array [problem]

Hi i am studying a book on PHP and they made me write a script that could display data from a array with [Key] and [Value] trick.
When i upload it to my lycos server it doesn’t display the array data.

this is the script:

<title>Arrays sorteren</title>
$Cijfers = array(
print ("Het array ziet er origineel zo uit:<BR>");
for ($n = 0; $n < count($Cijfers); $n++) {
    $Regel = each ($Cijfers);
    print ("Het cijfer van $Regel[Key] is $Regel[Value].<BR>
print ("<P>Het array ziet er zo uit nadat het op waarde is gesorteerd met arsort():<BR>");
for ($n = 0; $n < count($Cijfers); $n++) {
    $Regel = each ($Cijfers);
    print ("Het cijfer van $Regel[Key] is $Regel[Value].<BR>
print ("<P>Het array ziet er zo uit nadat het op sleutel is gesorteerd met ksort():<BR>");
for ($n = 0; $n < count($Cijfers); $n++) {
    $Regel = each ($Cijfers);
    print ("Het cijfer van $Regel[Key] is $Regel[Value].<BR>

This is the url to the file online:

Can someone tell me what the problem could be ?

Lycos supports PHP5 and the [Key] and [Value] trick is a PHP4 feature so it should work in PHP5 i think ?

Please help me out

Thanks in advance