I’ve been posting a lot of questions up recently and I’ve been getting some great help so thanks everybody!
I’m in the process of trying to work out how a scoring system will work in the game that I’m developing.
I’ve added
var counter:int = 0;
at the beginning of my code, and when the player mouses over objects to destroy them the killObject function includes the line
counter ++;
The bit I’m struggling with is displaying this number in a dynamic text box. I’ve had a search around but can’t seem to find what I’m looking for.
All of the gameplay code is written in one frame of the main timeline and it begins after a short introduction animation. When the gameplay is over the AS3 code will instruct the movie to move on to the next frame of the timeline so that an outro animation can be played. The player’s final score will be displayed at this point.
I’m sure this is fairly straight forward but I can’t find out how to do it…
Thanks again for all your help!