Displaying a larger/fuller image by hovering over small image

Hello guys n galls.

Ok its been a bit since I started learning the ins and outs of Flash. I haven’t done much in terms of interactive stuff.

I co-run a site which you can find the link below, and in the past, if you check the home page, there were large 555 x 300 ish borders displayed one above the other. Now if you check the page, a mate altered it so that everything is more compact and theres only a little square containing a snippet of the original banners. Now I like this idea of compacting it all, but I was trying to think of ways to jazz it up a bit by incorporating flash into the whole thing.

I just had an idea of some how allowing the full banner images to appear in a larger screen when the cursor was to hover over the small squares which contain a little image. Would this be practical? Im thinking about the fact that there would be like 7 or so seperate topics at one time each with a small image that you could hover over. I was also thinking about possibly making it a bit more jazzy so that as the curser hovers over each topic, the outer edge glows or something like that with a sound effect.

COuld anyone help me with how i’d go about this?

SITE IS HERE BY THE WAY - www.aftershockpromotions.com
