Displaying hover captions

Hi all

I know this has been documented throughout this site in regards to creating the excellent hover tooltips by Kirupa


I have spent the majority of the afternoon looking before I post and I can not find what I am looking for.

My question is this:
In Kirupas tutorial we learn how to create the hover caption which is a movieclip with dynamic text that changes when it is postioned over the buttons. which I can understand.

Using the same tutorial, I am wanting to create 4 different caption boxes which will all be coloured differently. The reason for this is because I am wanting to replace the dynamice text with bitmapped text (pixel fonts).

So each button (icon) will have its own hover caption and obviously will only display when you put the mouse over the icon.
using just the one movieclip with dynamic text is stratight forward enough.

But how would you, edit the code so that you could specify a particular movie clip to be assigned to the button (icon) of your choice

I hope I have been clear enough

Thank you


P.S Please do not be angry with me, It may seem an easy enough solution, but I am a complete newbie to the flash world and have a lot to learn.