Displaying large chunks of dynamic text - suggestions please!

Hey guys!

I’m aaaalmost finished this ■■■■ quiz I’ve been doing; unless the bosses pull the usual boss thing and make me change, well… everything.

My current little problem, which I believe is my last one (yay) involves feedback. I’ve got a frame at the end with a list of the questions and whether or not the user got it right. I’ve set up two little arrays, one with the question number (because this is a random quiz) and one with corresponding indexes saying whether it was correct or incorrect (well, true or false at the moment). The intent is to associate the question number with feedback (either stored in AS or XML) and return it when the answer was wrong. All that side of it I can do, that’s not the problem.

The problem is… I have very little idea on how to display this info! I’d use a dynamic text box, but I don’t think you can put line breaks in them (without using HTML coding). I have been thinking about either manually or dynamically creating dynamic textboxes (or mcs with textboxes in them) and then adjusting the text, but the designer side of me cries when faced with the problem of some feedback having one line, with others having three (and everything in between).

Does anyone have any suggestions? I’d love something nice, quick and simple rather than the dodgy and complicated plan formulating in my rattling brainpan…