My situation:
My _root movie is nothing more than a interface with navigation buttons. When someone clicks a button another swf is loaded into an empty movie clip on _root.
My Problem:
I understand loaders and use them all the time, however, I still to this day have never gotten a loader to work with loading an external movie into a currently playing movie. (ie: in my _root movie you press the “Searching” button and searching.swf is loaded into _root.contents --> contents is the empty movie clip)
So anyways… where does the loader go? The only results I’ve ever had is as SOON as the loadMovie method is called the movie hangs until the entire movie clip is loaded. Then the loader runs… thus making it totally useless.
Now I know regardless of what I say people are going to say, “Check out the tuts section bud!”… but I already have and I still have never gotten a loader like this to work. Advice would be great. A working fla emailed to me or copy and pasted actionscript would be AMAZING! - [email protected]
Thanks in advance!!