Displaying Multiple rows of data from database


Firstly, I’d just like to say that I’ve searched the tutorials and the forums for an answer but I can’t find one. I’ve tried to use code from the tutorial from here http://www.kirupa.com/web/sqlrecords_php.htm but I can’t get the code to work.

I’m having problems with sending multiple rows of data from a database as variables from mysql/php to flash. I can read individual values, but I can’t grab multiple ones and then send them as variables to Flash.
The database is a simple News one with 6 fields; id,** name**, date, time, **descrip **and venue. At the moment there are 6 sample entries with values in the above.

I would like the php to take the first row/entry and print out the variables into Flash. The first lot of variables for the first row will be “name1”, “date1”, “time1”…etc. WHen that is finished, the code then gets the second row and prints them out “name2”, date2…etc
However, when I test it in Flash, all that happens is I get the first couple of values from the first row out and everything else is ‘undefined’ i.e, Flash can’t find it. A strange thing is that when I try to get “descrip1”, it actually returns “name2=blahblah” , where name 2 is the right one.

Heres the code:

$conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "*****" , "*****");
$select = mysql_select_db("cuba", $conn);
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM news ORDER BY id");
$x = 1;
while($result_ar = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
				 $phpname = $result_ar["name"];
		$phpdate = $result_ar["date"];
		$phptime = $result_ar["time"];
		$phpvenue = $result_ar["venue"];
		$phpdescrip = $result_ar["descrip"];
print "name".$x."=".$phpname."&date".$x."=".$phpdate."&time".$x."=".$phptime.

So at the end in Flash I would like to recieve the variables, name1, date1, time1, venue1, descrip1… then name2, date2, venue2, descrip2 … all the way up to the last entry. I’m also pretty certain that my actionscript is ok, its just a fe typical LoadVars lines with a trace command to test it.

Any help is really appreciated!

