Distorted flash (+.net) generated images

After capturing a frame from a webcam, I’m saving this frame as an actual image-file.

Unfortunately, this doesn’t always work well.
See link:[COLOR=#0000ff]results[/COLOR]

I’m using the functions below.

Does anyone know what’s causing this? Can a different OS or browser cause a different outcome?

function setImgData(){ 
        _root.w = 360, tmp 
        _root.h = 270; 
        _root.a = 0; 
        _root.tNum = 0; 
        _root.bNum = 0; 
        _root.createEmptyMovieClip("imgMaker", this.getNextHighestDepth()); 
        imgMaker.onEnterFrame = function(){ 
                   for(var b=0; b<_root.h; b++){ 
                              _root.tNum++ ; 
                              tmp = _root.snap.getPixel32(_root.a, b).toString(16) 
                              tmp =tmp.substr(1); 
                              while(tmp.le ngth<6) 
                                       tmp = "0" + tmp; 
                              _root.pixels +=tmp; 
                              _root.bNum=b ; 
                   perc = int((_root.a*10)/w); 
                   _root.ssMc.s napShotLoader.text = _root.snapShotLoadText+" ["+perc+"0%]"; 
                   _root.ssMc.s napShotLoader.setTextFormat(style_fmtS SLoader); 
                    _root. ssMc.snapShotLoader._x=_root.vidMc._x-_root.areaLeftIn dent+180-(_root.ssMc.snapShotLoader._width/2); 
                   if(_root.a&g t;w-1){ //Finish capturing 
                              //trace(pixe ls.toString()); 
                              sendData(h, w) 
                              //free memory 
                              _root.snap.d ispose(); 
                              trace(_root. tNum); 
                              imgMaker.rem oveMovieClip(); 
function sendData(h:Number, w:Number){ 
        var result_lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars(); 
        result_lv.onLoad = function(success:Boolean) { 
                   if (success) { 
                              _root.gotoAn dStop("endSol"); 
                              _root.ssMc.r emoveMovieClip(); 
        //Create the LoadVars object and pass data to PHP script 
        var output:LoadVars = new LoadVars() 
        output.img = _root.pixels; 
        output.height = h 
        output.width = w 
        //The page (and this movie itself) should be in a server to work 
        //output.send("sendImg.aspx", "output", "POST") 
        output.sendAndLoad("sendImg.aspx", result_lv, "POST"); 
                   text = "één moment geduld, a.u.b..."; 
                   setTextForma t(style_fmtSSLoader); 