DJ website

Hey Kirupians:

It’s been awhile, lots of new faces, I just got through working on a DJ website sponsored by the Boys and Girls club of America. I tried to make it look cool as possible. Would love to hear your thoughts!!

Here’s the (

Thanks in advance!!

I like it, very nice design, although the sounds in the menu seem abit too harsh (for me anyway) maybe some softer beeps or swishes would be good. Apart from that i think youve done an excellent job, keep up the good work :slight_smile:


lols whoops wrong post for wrong site, haha :expressionless:

well ill review your site anyway :slight_smile:
Nice design and effects in the background, I dont particalarly like the menu sounds, the are pretty loud + you should consider using pixel fonts for clarity of the text. Nice work :slight_smile:


Looks good, maybe “fade-outs” would be nice.

Good job

I liked the site. Nice effects, organized. I usually dislike green but this came out pretty cool. And i agree with Marcellinus.