Do u know ur ABC?

u gotta larf…

my 4 year old loved it!

that’s just the way my nursery teacher taught it…

i really like the ‘sykes’ text. how do u do that ?:cool:

that’s hilarious
:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

I dont know if this is wrong, but I laughed uncontrollably when seeing that :slight_smile: hahaha

thanks for the link man!

Thats how my first grade teacher taught the ABC’s. He was a Catholic Priest.

ah ahhhahaha thats hilarous

:trout: :trout: (-: =)

my mom taught it to me that way. well, only if I was stealing her cup-cakes and she didn’t realize till the end of the song.

lol… :trout:

when I really think about it, that was such a cheap laugh I could give the maker a penny and get change back.

a nickel back. a bank back, that was so cheap.

Zupa, cheerz for ur admiration… itz dun in flash… a bit childsplay compared to d rest of the guys here :stuck_out_tongue: but hey, i do wot i can…

took about 30 mins, loads of tweening involved…


You made that?

my arse i made that! :chinaman:

i’v spent d last week recovering from an unknown illness dats goin round d town… :frowning:

n i’m was alredy behind on my work… :*(

i’m buggered, dis years’ studies r gonna kill me… :eye:

it says at d end who made it… he must’v had a nice childhood… :stuck_out_tongue:

now that’s what i call witless comedy. funny though

ahahahahahahahaa!!! when i saw it for the first time i laughed for like 3 minutes straight…then i watched it like 4 more times:P :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Morse, when u said:

<i>You made that?</i>

wot exactly did u mean coz i thort u meant d ABC movie… :q: