Yes, I listen to a lot of black metal. A lot.
Some of my favourite bands would have to be Windir, Black Dahlia Murder, Nokturnal Mortum, Falkenbach, Melechesh, The Kovenant, Catamenia, Manegarm, Vidsyn, Mithotyn, Suidakra, Thyrfing, Moonsorrow, Asmegin, Emperor.
I used to listen to black metal when I was a rebellious teenager in the mid 90s.
Faves were Dark Throne, Cradle of Filth, Satyricon, Burzum, Impaled Nazaraene, I forget the rest.
I don’t, but some of my friends in class do. And they play pretty loud so I kinda listen to it after all. What are the dragonforce music called? I like them a bit tho.
And Im from Norway, and there is a pretty large group of bands/black metallers here I believe. But I don’t know the name of a single band:P
is Children of Bodom really black metal? If they are, they’re the only black metal I listen to. I have listened to some un-black metal though, or “white metal” if you will I do listen a lot to death metal!
Nickelback is not the definition of alt rock, its the definition of “Wet-Dog-Lookin-Lead-Singers-Who-Don’t-Know-How-To-Sing-So-He-Grunts-And-Moans-Instead-And-The-Recording-Techies-Overlay-9-billion-effects-in-a-last-ditch-attempt-at-making-it-sound-good-to-try-and-make-some-sort-of-miniscule-profit-from-it.”