Do you need to make graphics for your flash before you make your flash

I’m just wondering about this because im kinda confused about it.
I just kinda got more into making graphics off of adobe about a week ago.

It all depends on what you’re planning on doing. Graphics could be made in photoshop or directly made in flash. Some people use a combination of raster graphics from photshop and vector graphics in flash to make their site. If you’re new to all this then one thing i suggest is to take a piece of paper and just roughly sketch out what you want your site to look like. It doesnt have to be elaborate or anything, just some simple chicken stratches would be fine. Mark where certains things like content and navigation would be and also mark down the colors. This is to be used as a guide when you’re making your graphics. Most of the time people start off with the graphics and then piece it together in flash. Hope that answers your question. =)

Alright thx. that is a good idea.

I find it is better to bring graphics into flash. Flash has a set of drawing tools but are limited in total function. If you have or can get your hands on fireworks that would be great because you can edit fireworks documents right in flash. It is cool.