Document Class Load Other Classes

I have a Document Class and through this I add in several other classes like this:

package {
    import flash.display.*;
    import flash.utils.*;
    public class DocClass extends MovieClip {
        public static var class1:Class1 = new Class1  ;
        public static var class2:Class2 = new Class2 ;
        public static var class3:Class3 = new Class3 ;

and so on

Now I have the problem with a preloader, because obviously all those classes get exported to frame 1 and this makes the preloader not showing up at all. But also if I set them to export on frame 2, all those classes added are returning crazy errors and all.

How can I add in those classes so they don’t cause errors when exporting to frame two, but are still available to be adressed by other classes? What “var class1:Class1 = new Class1 ;” at a later moment would do, but would cause the variables not to be available for others.

I’m really puzzled by that. Hope someone can help.