Does anybody know how to load external MAC(ish) X menu into the main movie!

I need help loading external mac x menu into my main movie. My main movie contains emty mc named “container” to load external.swf’s and another emty MC named “menu” to load external “menu.swf” the problem i have once i load menu.swf into a level of my main.swf then the menu functions won’t work at all. is there anybody that can help me to load Macish X menu into my main.swf

thx so much

if the menu.swf works fine by itself … i’d say that [size=1]as usually happens[/size] you have an addressing problem :-\

if you have the code in the timeline don’t use _root
try this instead or just the instance name :slight_smile:

what’s your code ? or the files … ?

when u say macish X menu do you mean the dock? because i would like to know how to make the enlarging effect on mouse over.

I am talking about MAC X menu just like the one in flash kit at

so if you guys have any ideas how to apply this menu on my main.swf that would be fantastic.

I made the menu work but to load dynamicly into my main swf i have a little bit of problem.


after a quick look through the tutorial …

all i have to say is:
i told you that you have an addressing problem.