Does ANYBODY use Windows XP (begging and pleading!)

For the past two days, I have been tearing my hair out trying to get my only computer (at least newer than windows 98) working again. I still have no idea how it died, but it’s definitely Windows related. Right now I am running a Ubuntu LiveCD, so I don’t need to install it to the hard drive, so at least I have internet.

I know maybe 3 computer guys total here in Sweden, and I just returned from borrowing a Windows XP installation CD from him, hoping to finally solve my problems.

Then I realize, I have a US version of Windows, and his CD is a Swedish version, so no matter how hard I try or who I ask within a radius of 10,000 miles, I am hopelessly lost.

I beg and plead here, to ANYONE,** does ANYONE have an AMERICAN Windows XP installation CD? **I have the CD key already, so I don’t need that, all I need is one little disk to repair the windows files.

If someone just so happens to be uploading a backup of their recovery disk to their own server and by chance happened to accidentally PM the link to me, and I just so happen to accidentally run it and burn it and leave it in the computer while it restarts… … … (hint hint, wink wink)

I would be eternally grateful, and I would literally do anything for you, anything at all, even money. I am desperate and at my wits end. :frowning:

EDIT: I’m probably going to be hitting refresh every 10 minutes, so if you think you may be able to upload a CD, send me a PM so at least I know. :slight_smile: Even if it takes time, it’s 1AM here now, and I can wait. It’s better than waiting a month for my parents to send me a new XP cd from America. :sigh: