Does anyone else hate that

USB cables can only be plugged in one way. I just downed a bottle of crown and spent 10 minutes trying to plug my iPod in :expressionless:

thats great, i spent about 5 trying to plug a camera into my dads comp in the dark, i didnt know his ports were vertical

lol yeah, i usually am to lazy to turn a light on\walk across the room. It take me forever to plug in my headphone jack, and then the USB just takes the cake. I usually have to get my phone out of my pocket and everything

:lol: YES I hate that a lot.

Weā€™ve all been there :slight_smile:

Hah, for sure. Dark room + USB = noncompatible.

My battery charger for my laptopā€™s just as bad - Iā€™ll be fiddling around with the back of my laptop for at least 2 minutes sometimes, as Iā€™m too lazy to look around the back to find the exact place it plugs into!

USB extension cables - donā€™t leave home without themā€¦ nothing worse than crawling on the floor of your office in your brand new skirt and mopping up all the dust the cleaners have left behind while trying to get to the back of a machine and find an USB slotā€¦

Iā€™m always afraid to leave cables behind :frowning:

This is always such a pain. (at work I have them on the left of each monitor which is sometimes annoying to find.

USB stab till you win (funniest part is that a USB can go into a either net port same width)

Iā€™m obsessed with usb extension cables - I have one permanently hooked up to every machine I use on a regular basisā€¦ so you only have to do the one-way-lucky-stab-attempt process onceā€¦ then all usb in-plugging is easyvilleā€¦

Maybe they should put two USB ports back to back, so if whatever your trying to put into one doesnā€™t work, you know the same orientation will work for the other port. Of course youā€™d need twice as many USB ports, but itā€™s still a good idea. :stuck_out_tongue:

Not as much as I hate the fact that 2/3 of flashdens stuff is copy/pasted from tutorials and open source experiments.


Well thatā€™s hardly as annoyingly fun.

I donā€™t have a problem because mine are in a very easy spot on the fronmt of the CPU.

When I used to heng out with my dad at his work, they had computers there with weird diagonal USB ports. Those things were a ******* pain in the *** to get things plugged into because you had to get just the rigt angle. That and they were at the very botton of the front under this annoying lip that also had a plastic shield that went down over it. I always hated those things so much.


Yeah and I hate how microphone and headphone jacks are right next to each other. Oh, and god forbid you have a 5.1 or 7.1 sound card. Expect a 20 minute process of plugging it in and then running back to the computer to see if its the right one. (Unless ofcourse you have light back there)

Yeah makes it hard. Even with the light on I canā€™t see jack because of the unfortunate positioning of my computer </3

but at least i look good trying :wink:

I also hate the next morning.

Yeah, I hate that too. Firewire is not quite rectangular which helps a lot, and audio cables are super easy ā€¦ USB sucks.

It would really be nice if they had a way of identifying which way is ā€œupā€, for sure. Although i wouldnā€™t say i hate it to be exact. The microphone/front speaker/rear speaker/bass situation though, yeah that annoys the hell out of me!