When making a new topic, replying to a topic, or even trying to edit your signature in Firefox (I have Firefox 3, release candidate 1) does it not let you click around inside the text box area? For example, if you need to go back and edit a certain word or take something out you have to submit whatever you were doing and then do a quick edit once you’re inside the post. I’m guessing this is an issue with firefox but if someone has a quick fix, it would be much appreciated. By the way, I’ve only run into this error at Kirupa. All other text areas seem to work fine.
I’ve noticed this issue too - only seemed to occur when Kirupa upgraded the forums. Try using RC2 of Firefox 3.
Yeah I have this problem, so I either browse kForum on my laptop with FF2 or quickly open up IE and make whatever change was necessary.
[quote=Esherido;2337919]Yeah I have this problem, so I either browse kForum on my laptop with FF2 or quickly open up IE and make whatever change was necessary.[/quote]yeah that is when it started happening for me too. Odd little issue.
yea i thought i was the only one lol.
I guess i’m the only one NOT experiencing this problem
FF2 FTW!!!
In summary, FF3 blows.
This also happens with IPB, it isn’t compatible with FF3, that normal with new browsers tho.
Hmm - are all of you who are having this issue running FF3?
Yes we are
I’ll wait until it RTMs before making any changes, for it may be a bug on their end that might get fixed.
I’m thinking it is a bug on their end considering it works just fine on IE and Safari.
ie6 ftw
A simple fix is to turn off wysiwg editing and make it so you only see BBcode.
It happened to me in RC1, but it was fixed in RC2 (apparently, since I don’t have the issue anymore).
I got this problem with RC1 too. hmmm, what shame firefox.