Hi guys,
This may be a simple one but believe me its giving me some trouble…
I have a button on a page (flash MX website) that has a link to a pdf document, when clicked the pdf document loads up in the window. I want the user(s) of the site to have the option to either view it in their browser or download the pdf file. However with the site being in flash , it doesnt bring up the usual menu u get with html sites when u do a right click on a link.
What i plan 2 do i add a button for viewing the file and a button for downloading the file.
The part im stuck on is the actual script for the download button, i dont know where to start , the viewing button was pretty easy as i just used the beginer mode in actionscript.
Can you pls give me some hints on what i need to do to give users option to download the file.