I’m having real problems with this. I have some mp3’s on my flash site that I want the user to be able to download. I’m using the getURL action to do this and the mp3’s are zipped so that the browser knows that they should be downloaded (cheers guig0). This works fine on my Mac but PC users say that the file looks like it’s about to download but the progress bar doesn’t progress and nothing happens.
Are there any browser developers out there that can tell me why this happens???
I think that the zipped file is in mac format, and windows can´t recognize them, so, maybe you´ll have to make a copy of that file in a windows and place a download link like that:
I got a wintel friend of mine to send me the files zipped on his machine, i put them up and still had the same problem. I’m really perplexed. It may mean that i’ll have to link to an html page and have people right-click there but that’s not really what I want.
Nice detective work Jubba, I guess you got the link from my Biscuit site.