I have a real issue at hand lol. I have a program that allows me to upload a picture, and then add other pictures to it. Before I can add any additional pics, a default picture at 72 dpi loads as a 300 dpi placeholder. The reason I don’t load the 300 dpi is cause of bandwidth issues. The 300 dpi is very huge (2400 pixels x 2400 pixels) we will say, while the 72dpi is 400x400. So, on to the question… after I start the program, the 72dpi loads up and I decide to add additional pictures on top of it; after I click save, the program then needs to swap the 72dpi pic with the 300dpi for printing purposes, so how is this possible considering the 300dpi is 2400x2400? If I scale everything up to 2400x2400 after I click save, all of the pics I added would be enlarged and super fuzzy… Do you see what I am getting at? hehe. This is pretty tricky. The whole point of this is to swap just the one 72dpi with the 300dpi, without having to enlarge and ruin the quality of any pictures I upload before the swap takes place. Whoever can help me here is a hero… :hobbes: hehe this is hurting my brain!