Hey. I’m pretty new to flash and i want to make a drag and drop game. It’s basically six pictures you drag into coressponding areas on-screen (snap to place etc) and ive gone through loads of books with different types of code - on (press); { / this.drag and all that bollocks but they all contradict themselves and i think i might die because of it. I need to create 6 corresponding containers/areas for my objects to snap to and then have a calculate function when finished playing the game. I have a week to come up with the code before i get the graphics to make it look spectacular and i’m making some/little/no progress. Any wannabe Neo’s out there in cyberspace, coz i’m looking at the code but it’s just ****ing words to me. ‘The One’ I am not. :ogre:
Haha i’ve just discovered the smilies. hehe, proceed - Saturday night =:ko:, Sunday morning = :d: