Drag , bring to front?

i was wanting to know if it was possible to make it so when you start dragging the movie clip it brings the movie clip to the front of of the stage ( in front of everything else)

Thanks Mike:)

There sure is, check this tutorial.



cant u just press ctrl + g (group) it?

How would that help? Would it help, if so how? I’m interested. Ctrl+G: That would put all the selected items in one group, so that a certain action can be applied to them all.

When you need to bring something forward, in front of something else you need to change its stacking order, this is where the rather simple to use swapDepth method comes in to use.


Um dude, when u group one movieclip…it goes directly in front of everything, unless the other mc’s are in different layers. But if they are in the same layer, keep grouping the different mc’s until u get the right order. I would start with the last one first…group that. Then group the next one so it goes in front of the last. Then repeat for the rest. Trust me…this is what i do all the time.

Ok fair enough, but when you drag the furthest back movie clip does it move to the front, on top of the others?


Nope, not at all. When something is grouped over it, its gonna stay grouped over it.

There you go then. You cant use grouping to achieve what Human M wants.


Oooh…I thought that was for you. I didn’t look at HUMANM’s post.

Maybe he can use this. It switches places. But he just needs to move em over one another so its not flat on the canvas.

This prob wont help but :

Swapdepth Tutorial

i couldnt get the swap depth to work on mine, it just didnt work, also what is the “x” do do with?

Well if you’re saying what i’m thinking, x = horizontal, y = vertical.