Drag Class: Set boundry for Movieclip

I want to restrict the movement of my movieclip. For example, I only want it to move 100 pixels to the right and left. Can anyone offer suggestions?

class Drag extends MovieClip  {
	var ease;
	var dx:Number;
	private function Drag() {
		this.ease = 0.3;

	private function onEnterFrame():Void{
           this.dx = _xmouse - this._x - 500;
	     this._x += (this.dx * this.ease);

The source files:


Why nnot use startDrag?

I don’t want the user to click. I just want the movement to follow the mouse.

ummm… the user doesn’t have to click, there are alot more on-events. For example, in your situation:

on (MouseMove){

or even better:

on (MouseMove){
   someclip._x = _xmouse
   comeclip._y = _ymouse