Drag function messed up

I tried looking around at some drag stuff in the forums but nothing helped me and Senocular’s code scared me so I thought maybe someone could help me fix this easily :slight_smile:

Ok so I have these 2 sexy little scale + movement functions on my movie clip

onClipEvent (load) {

easeScale = function (xscale, yscale) { _xscale += (xscale-_xscale)/7;_yscale += (yscale-_yscale)/7;};

easeMove = function (xpos, ypos) { _x += (xpos-_x)/7;_y += (ypos-_y)/7;};



On my button I have

on (release) {
_root.hover.onEnterFrame = function() {
this.easeScale(10, 10);
this.easeMove(0, 0);

Simple enough right?

Well, I have some buttons on the movie clip that allow me to drag it around the screen, and when I use my “easeMove” function to move the movie clip it get’s all crazy and woun’t let me drag it. If I use the scale function by its self it work just fine but ad in the move and it goes all to poo.

Link to file if you’d like to see what it’s doing first hand.
(fyi the little blue button minizes and the first mouse over box moves the mc)


Please help me :slight_smile:

onEnterFrame gets executed (framerate) times per second, so that’s how often your easeMove gets called, changing the _x & _y, and at the same time, you want to drag the poor clip, also changing those…how could Flash not go crazy with that, trying to accomodate both the function and your dragging…? :wink:

So how do I only make it run once per mouse down?

would an if then statement work?