Drag n save

i used flash’s sharedobject to record all texts that has been changed

there are 10 movie clips (named job1 … job20… each mc contains textfield) under an area called “JOBS LIST”. another area is empty and called “DONE”. every movie clip is dragable.

every time one job (i.e. job1) has been done, i drag one “job1” mc from “JOBS LIST” to “DONE”.

when i reopen the .swf, flash doesn’t record the last drag. all mc are still in “JOBS LIST” and area “DONE” is still empty.

is there any chance to record last drag or last position of movie clips like sharedobject records text? so, when i open the .swf, all mc are in their lastest position.

the .swf will not upload to internet, just works locally

i cannot find such tutorial of this topic… maybe it is impossible?

thx in advance